검색 팝업창

Company Introduction

We will become a leading company in the global firefighting industry
with PARATECH's unique technology and know-how

    Management Ideology

    Management Philosophy

    The company that protects life and property

    As a comprehensive fire safety company, PARATECH Co., Ltd. aims to be a leading company with the world's best technology and brand.

    Core Values

    • Quality Control We pursue perfection without flaws.

    • Customer-centric We prioritize customer value in all our decision-making processes.

    • Business Principles We work transparently and fairly.

    • Ideal Employee Attributes We work proactively and creatively with a mission
      to protect life and property.

    • Social Contribution We contribute to the safety of society through
      innovative technology and services.

    Safety and Health Management

    Safety and Health Policy

    PARATECH Co., Ltd. established a safety and health management system for respect for human life, industrial accident prevention,
    and pleasant work and work environment creation; it has determined and implemented the following safety and health policies
    and objectives to prevent occupational health and safety accidents arising from construction activities, including
    the construction of mechanical equipment and firefighting facility, and to identify potential risks

    • 01

      Create a workplace free
      from accidents and injuries.

    • 02

      Create a safe, healthy workplace.

    • 03

      Faithfully implement the safety
      and health management system.

    Safety and Health Goals
    • Comply with safety and health regulations.
    • Minimize the rate of accidents and injuries.
    • Achieve zero major accidents.